Saturday, August 11, 2012

o sturgis

Side road off of Main Street.  Main Street had many more bikes but I don't know why I didn't get a photo of it. 

Sturgis was so much fun and exciting.  There have been tons of bikers.  I don't remember if I mentioned this earlier but Tyler and I counted over 500 bikers in a 21 mile span 2 hours east of Sturgis last weekend.  I finally stopped on 500 because I was counting too many and started to get dizzy in the car.  Plus, Tyler was tired of me counting out loud.  

We didn't make it to see Journey Monday night because a.) it was too expensive, b.)Tyler had work in the early a.m, and c.)Tyler wanted to play with his new love instead (see the post about our new puppy, Billie Holiday).  

After I pouted a ridiculous amount and Tyler was given off Thursday, we made a trip to Sturgis.  I loved it.  So many people were out and about.  If only we could have stayed longer.  Everyone in the Sturgis area looked so tough with tons of leather, tattoos, and Harleys that I felt out of place.  I drew my own temporary tattoo and tried to fit in as best I could.  Ha.  Next year I'm saving up my money and buying a leather vest and biker boots.  Seriously!  

One Eyed Jacks

Loud American

Just trying to fit in. 

I anticipated eating at this amazing Texas BBQ 18 wheeler contraption but they had just closed up shop by the time we got out to Sturgis.  Check out their site on the history channel.  They are doing some kind of show about this traveling BBQ heaven.  I'm still really sad they were closed and I missed out on some good ole BBQ.  Apparently it can cook over 1,000 hot dogs at one time.

The hubby and I already have our minds made up that we will be working the rally next year because it seems as though there is some money to be made the week of the rally.  

We hung out at Loud American and One Eyed Jacks.  Both are very popular bars with good food and bands.  They sit across from each other on Main Street and are hard to miss.  The bikes were so cool to look at as well as the outfits (or lack of outfit) many people (mostly women) sported.  Below are some of the most appropriate pictures I could put of some of the Sturgis scenery.

South Dakota is known for Mount Rushmore and Sturgis.  I think Sturgis definitely took the cake on this one.  Crazy, fun with tons of specialized tattoo artists, people from around the nation, and great bands.  Sugarland and Lynard Skynard played Thursday night.  Zac Brown Band, Boston, and previously mentioned Journey played as well.  Next year we are going to head out to the Buffalo Chip and do a little bit more during the rally.  We were just getting our feet wet this year, but expect visitors next year to play and party with.


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