Tuesday, July 16, 2013

journey to the journey

Part of our passport that we still haven't finished just yet was to journey to the Journey Museum. There is a cost; however, with my handsome, Active Airman we got in for FREE!  Visiting the museum would have been perfect during the northern winter.  We enjoyed it for different reasons.  Tyler loved reading about the history of the city and the explanations of the different kinds of rock found around this area.  I loved being able to touch most everything, the art areas, and the visuals all throughout the Journey.  Imagine that.  Ty read the whole time and I bounced from one exhibit to exhibit.


Don't Touch!  Will holding hands count?

I would never want to have lived along with these beasts.

Most exhibits had an area for kids.  I enjoyed these areas mucho mucho.

Find a fossil?

A library in the museum.  My fave!  Of course, it was closed so I could only look at it through glass.  This would have been my favorite exhibit had it been open the day we visited.

This 1940 basketball team was too adorable not to share.
We played once.  I won.  Tyler quit.

I thoroughly enjoyed the museum.  So did Tyler.  Plus, we got to scratch off another number from our Passport activity.  Only 22 more to go!

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