Tuesday, June 4, 2013

volksmarch hike

Out of breath and out of shape...but I didn't give up.
Well, that was exhausting and breathtaking.  I'm definitely out of shape and had to take several breaks while Tyler and two friends trekked ahead of me.  The Crazy Horse Volksmarch is held once a year at the very beginning of June and I was finally here to partake in it.  If I'm not mistaken, I've heard they may open up another Volksmarch in September during the Buffalo roundup.  
Here we are at the beginning of our hike through the hills to get to Mr. Crazy Horse.

The Volksmarch is a 10k (6.2 miles) up hill to the top of the Crazy Horse monument.  My legs were screaming after the first uphill walk, but seeing moms pushing strollers, dads carrying kids, and 80 year old hikers marching ahead of me motivated me to keep going.  The view on the top of the monument was incredible and well worth the march.  

For all of you who are interested in the doing the march, which I highly recommend, know that there are 4 check points throughout with drinks and snacks for purchase and ever so clean port-o-potties.  There are also many, many great picnic spots to stop and rest.  I saw several groups and families stop along the way, enjoy their own packed snacks, and the beautiful weather. 

Bring water and snacks if you don't want to purchase any on the way up.  Also, wear layers.  It was perfect weather for a good hike.  The temperature dropped as we hiked higher and the South Dakota wind was strong on top of the monument, but I only wore my sweatshirt on top of the monument.  Just remember you don't want to over pack...you will be carrying whatever you bring for a good 6 miles uphill.  
Getting closer!!!

And closer...

 Warning: you will see many, many, many people picking Crazy Horse's nose or trying to "squeeze" his head.  We were no different.  

For those of you who missed the march this year, enjoy some of our pics from the top!  Check out http://crazyhorsememorial.org/?s=volksmarch for more info on the monument and the Volksmarch.


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