Friday, May 24, 2013

our escape artist strikes again

Nola, our little Houdini, ran away from Tyler at 3am the other night.  She had definitely planned her escape with great detail.  Nola had somehow broken her collar the day before and had no form of identification on when she escaped.  Poor Tyler.  I was unknowingly asleep as he searched for several hours for Nola.  When he finally woke me up to tell me, I told him to stop looking for her.  She'd eventually turn up and I was tired of having this little problem of searching for Nola.  

She's run away before, but only for 10 minutes at the longest.  Apparently, beagles have great noses and her's is no different.  If she catches on to a scent, Nola takes off.  Being that she was gone for hours this time with no collar, I did begin to worry.  Tyler helped me make some Missing Dog signs that seemed to work (even though we were yelled at for posting them in our neighborhood.)  

After being gone for over 12 hours, we received a call from a couple in our neighborhood.  Nola had apparently snuck into their gate to play with their dog.  She ended up spending the day in leisure with a new puppy friend and a little boy.  Luckily, the family that found her saw one of our adorable and somewhat funny signs and called us.  Nola was incredibly happy to see us and we were just as excited.  She did have a large cut on her stomach that had to be stapled and cleaned.  However, Nola was still running around, jumping on top of Billie, and trying to eat everything in sight.  
She's HOME!
 So glad Tyler can handle cleaning wounds.  I would have no idea what to do. 

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