Friday, June 29, 2012

missing mr. boston

We had to say goodbye to Boston Marley, my best animal friend.  I've been devastated, moody, and hard to get along with...sorry hubby.  So I've decided to make a list of all those things I miss/loved about Boston instead of rambling on about how miserably sad I have been.
1.  His many nicknames: Bos, Boston-baby, Baby Love, Beantown, Beans, Marley, Beanster, Beandip, Beannie-weenie, Scaredycat...

2. His love of anything inedible: i.e. my DVR remote, make-up, shoes, kleenex, bugs.

3.  His ability to cuddle with me (or my ability to train him to cuddle with me)

4.  Squirrels and bunnies were always a little too fast for Bos but he was determined

he was obsessed with the squirrel just out of his reach
 5. His kisses.

6.  His cheeto-smelling paws.  Seriously, I think I miss those the most. 

7.  Never having to house train him!

8.  Keeping me company and not so scared when I watched The Mentalist alone.

9.  His adorable face and how he sometimes looked like a puppy and sometimes looked like an old dog. 

10.  Waiting at the window for me when I was driving home from work and then his oh-so-dangerous wagging tail which caused his entire body to wag when I finally got in the door. 
11.  His unconditional love with peanut butter.

12.  Bean's great temperament on our road trips to Charleston and South Dakota.

13.  And, lastly, I just miss him.  My little, beanie-weenie.  

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the most important nickname...Boston bunny! I miss him so much mel. I truly think Boston was my first animal love as well and he got me true alot, even overcoming my fear of dogs! I think what I miss most is us waiting either at the window or down stairs for you to get home from school. I love you Melissa and Boston you will always be in my heart and to bad he didn't make it to his dream job of being a fire truck dog!
