Monday, June 18, 2012

25 hours and counting

Married with no husband in sight was a bit too much to take in, but I successfully made it through the month of May.  The annual Doucet beach trip, packing my life up in BR, and saying goodbye to my kiddos helped the month go by rather quickly. 

Thinking we would beat the movers to SoDak by a few days, my mom and I left good ole' Louisiana (swamps and all) for the wilderness.  Boston kept us great company and had his first hotel stay.  Mind you, he was delightful and loved Bison beef jerky. 

Traveling through several states was great and a little tiring.  We were supposed to make the trip in 3 days...we did it in two.  We're that cool. 

Wall Drug.  Wall Drug.  Wall Drug. 
If you drive in from the east headed to Rapid, you'll see signs for Wall Drug.  Drive-you-insane kind of signs.  Here are a few examples:

The where on these signs does it give you any kind of info about where you can find this interesting and magical place.  We found it.  The Disneyland of gas stations is located in Wall, SD and fabulous. 

Mount Rushmore was of course a stop of ours.  It was a gorgeous day and no...the pictures don't do it justice, but here are a few...

Interviews and job offers came next on my birthday.  Luckily the job offers came so I could celebrate the big birthday with Tyler and my mom without having to think of jobs.  By the way, my school's name is South Park.  No kidding.  B-day dinner at The Corn Exchange was amazing.  I cannot wait to go back.  Delightful and local ingredients made it a perfect celebratory dinner.  Only wished my twinkie would have been with us.  Hard not having twin birthdays in the same location anymore. 

Movers had some issues.  The movers are still having some issues.  We have yet to see any movers or any of our "stuff" since I packed it all.  Looks like I'm going to have to continue to wear Tyler's clothes until mine come in.  Boutiques and shopping aren't what I'm accustomed to.  Our mall is excited to have a Sears, JCPenny, and Gap.  Wahoo!  Online shopping here I come. 

LSU didn't make it to Omaha.  We are a little fortunate that no one follows college baseball in Rapid City to the extreme of our southern states which it made it easier to forget those brutal games. 

 Here's home so far.  Just waiting to find some cliffs to do some cliff diving (Tyler's idea) and the movers so we can make home feel like home. 
Tyler scouting out the cliff for some diving.
Our kitchen table.