Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy Birthday, my BROOKS!

Wish I could be there to celebrate!!!  Miss you tons and can't wait to see you in December!  Take care of Griffin for me!
Day ONE!
1st Birthday
2nd Birthday Month
3rd Birthday

 Hugs and Kisses, Brooks Patrick.  

outdoor campus for 2

I killed myself a deer, y'all.  Okay, a fake deer with a fake arrow.  I was still impressed with myself.  Visiting the Outdoor Campus West in Rapid was on our Passport list.  I need to find the actual list to see what number it was because we don't have many more to go.  I think we are down to 21.  

We decided to go when they were having their Outdoor University Day.  It was wonderful.  Tons of families were out enjoying the many outdoor activities and gorgeous weather.  I'm pretty sure the Outdoor Campus is free for all with the exception of some of their classes.  They are having an archery class soon.  We missed so many good classes over the summer, so I guess we'll just have to be more prepared next June.  I was delighted with the amount of activities to do as well as the actual museum indoors.  Really neat and really beautiful.  

 Inside was split up by different "regions" of the area.  Animals found in each area, i.e. Badlands, Black Hills, were found together in the museum.  Hope that make sense.  I can never remember which belonged to which region.  If Tyler was around I'd be sure to ask him, but he is out playing fetch with Billie Bear.  

To prove that we were at the Outdoor Campus, we had to take a picture with the beaver and his den.  Ty is going to have to really work on his camera skills.   A little blurry but I'm sure the Passport officials will still accept it...they better!

This was the closest I was getting.  For some reason, I just knew that if I stuck my hand in the den it wouldn't come back the same.  The flash lightened up the area.  It was dark and kind of scary.  Yes, Tyler, I'm being dramatic...but that doesn't change the fact that I refused to stick my hand next to the beaver.  

So many beautiful trails out here.  One family seemed to have biked from their home to the Outdoor Campus.  This place is a great spot to do some walking or bike riding.  

My first tries were unsuccessful.  I did have to try and "shoot" the smallest target so I'm going to pretend that was why I missed by 5 feet each time.  

 Does he have to be great at everything???  So not fair.  
Told you I killed a deer.  We would have had supper if this was real...ha.  Who am I kidding?  We all know I probably would need to have a stationary deer 10 feet from me to actually think I might kill something.  We all also know that I would never be able to shoot a deer.  They are just too beautiful and graceful and remind me of a Disney character...

 You'll shoot your eye out!

 I now want a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas.  With lessons.  

Not too shabby if I do say so myself!

I sent Marci my camera so she could use it on her upcoming AMAZING trip, so you'll have to do with the above and below pics.  After playing at Outdoor Campus Tyler and I drove to Spearfish for the Art in the Park Festival.  It was incredible and HUGE!  Most art fairs are pretty small but apparently this Spearfish fest is well known and well traveled.  We were only able to see 1/2 if not less because the festival shut down on account of 60 mph winds and hail coming.  

My favorite part of the fest was the beautiful creek and waterfall running around the park.  It's gorgeous out there.  I had never been to the Spearfish park and will definitely go back the next time I'm in town.  With Bridal Veil Falls and Devil's Bathtub located in Spearfish, I will be bringing visitors to this park as well.  Ty and I have decided to kayak down these rapids.  

The water is crystal clear and cold.  It was perfect for a hot day.  No, LA peeps, not as hot as what you've been experiencing this summer.  But hot enough.  

Did you see where the below vendor is from?  I passed by his tent and immediately saw art that had to have been inspired by New Orleans houses.  I turned to show Tyler, but as I'm turning to face my adorable hubby Tyler shouts, "Who Dat!"  Dave, the owner of the art, was wearing a Saints hat.  Hilarious how Tyler and I freaked out.  We talked to the guy for a while.  He has been coming to Spearfish for this festival for over 7 years.  He and his wife leave LA for the summer and do shows in Denver and the surrounding North West.  It was so nice to talk to another southerner.  Especially one with Duck Dynasty hats, New Orleans inspired art, and a thick Monroe accent. 

This park reminded me of my incredible childhood.  If anyone knows the "Wooden Park" in Lafayette, then you recognize how perfect this park is in SoDak.  Marci, my twin, always had her birthday parties at the wooden park.  I don't think it's still there but now we know there is one in SoDak waiting for her to come and play.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I love GRIFFIN!!!

Even though we haven't been formally introduced, my second nephew has already stolen my heart.  Mr. Griffin and Mr. Brooks are now my faves!!!  What trouble those two will be!  Here are a few pics sent to me by the fam.  Come on December.  I want to meet GJD!

 I held it together up until my dad walked in and held Griffin for the first time.  He got choked up and I completely lost it.  Why can't I have free unlimited airline miles?  

Isn't he such a doll?  How could I not cheese out and cry a bit when seeing this beauty?

 I miss my poppa tons.  It's a weird feeling, but I miss Griffin tons, too.  Even though we haven't officially met.  FaceTime is fantastic, but won't do for the real deal.

 Taking after his older brother!!!!

 This. Is. Heaven.  My baby sister holding Brooks' baby brother.  

Griffin's stunning parents minus his stunning older brother.

Thousands more to come!  Between Marci and I, we are nagging everyone to send constant videos and pictures.  He's such a cutie!  Can't wait to squeeze him and Brooks the next time we take a trip down south.  If only I could teleport.  Why hasn't someone come up with a way to do so?  You'd think it'd be possible by now...that or flying cars.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

journey to the journey

Part of our passport that we still haven't finished just yet was to journey to the Journey Museum. There is a cost; however, with my handsome, Active Airman we got in for FREE!  Visiting the museum would have been perfect during the northern winter.  We enjoyed it for different reasons.  Tyler loved reading about the history of the city and the explanations of the different kinds of rock found around this area.  I loved being able to touch most everything, the art areas, and the visuals all throughout the Journey.  Imagine that.  Ty read the whole time and I bounced from one exhibit to exhibit.


Don't Touch!  Will holding hands count?

I would never want to have lived along with these beasts.

Most exhibits had an area for kids.  I enjoyed these areas mucho mucho.

Find a fossil?

A library in the museum.  My fave!  Of course, it was closed so I could only look at it through glass.  This would have been my favorite exhibit had it been open the day we visited.

This 1940 basketball team was too adorable not to share.
We played once.  I won.  Tyler quit.

I thoroughly enjoyed the museum.  So did Tyler.  Plus, we got to scratch off another number from our Passport activity.  Only 22 more to go!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

the greatest show on h2o

Spending a beautiful Saturday evening at Canyon Lake was fantastic.  Watching the "Greatest Show on H2O" was a bit of a let down.  Unfortunately, due to the size of Canyon Lake the show ran pretty slow.  There were a few cool tricks in the first half of the show, but then there was a 20 minute intermission...we started playing with the dogs instead.  Leyanne and Greg are finally back in SoDak, so Billie had a friend to play with.  However, I'm pretty sure Billie still prefers Tyler as her best buddy.  Tyler definitely feels the same.  How do I know?  They fetched together in the pond.  It was really cute until I realized they would both be riding back home with me.  

Canyon Lake park is one of the coolest parks.  With several small "creeks" built in stone, kids were enjoying the water.  I even wanted to get in and play.  I do absolutely love the summers here in SoDak.  The weather can get pretty hot but with no humidity and breezy nights the heat doesn't compare to how hot and sticky it gets down in New Orleans.  

My view before the show started.  Gorg,right?

The Commander of Ellsworth.  

My camera is awesome.  I am not.  Was too slow in trying to get good pics of the show.

Can't you see the excitement???

Gettin' ready!

Oh, yea!

Sweetie Sweets and Billie Bear

The Chartiers and a little McNabb enjoying Sweetie.

The McNabbs!

The Thibaults.
So, Billie wouldn't fetch the ball for some crazy reason after she did it a million times...or maybe that was why she didn't fetch it.  Who knows???  Tyler jumped right in.  Our friends couldn't believe Ty was jumping in.  I could.  You can take the boy out of Louisiana but you can't take Louisiana out of the boy.  Why I love him!