Saturday, July 21, 2012

hippie hole

What an eventful day!  Discovering Hippie Hole in the Black Hills made for one fantastic day...up until we lost our keys...

 After driving to Rockerville in the Black Hills of SoDak, Tyler, Sam, and I did some serious off road driving.  Sam had mapped out Hippie Hole while flying over it one day, therefore, we used his GPS to lead us there.  So much fun driving Tyler's truck along these treacherous hills with only gravel (and large rocks) between the tires.  I was driving so I didn't get any pictures of the scenery on our way.  Sorry! 

We drive to the "parking lot," i.e. a clearing at the end of our path, and begin about a two mile hike to the infamous Hippie Hole.  This hike began with a trail for a little ways.  Then we had to do some serious hiking to find the creek which led to the coolest place ever.  If you look at the above picture, imagine climbing up and down the rocks to the left.  Once the trail ended, we had to do just that.  

Below is our first picture upon arriving.  Absolutely gorgeous, and as I always never do it justice.  We all jumped immediately.  Several war wounds and about an hour later, I made the climb back up the cliff.  Luckily we had some practice rock climbing a few weekends ago.  Tyler did have to jump back in and guide me up the cliff; however, I am still very proud to say I made it! 

One of our many battle scars.

After my jump and successful climb.

The scary rope that you had to pull yourself up on.  I failed many times and have cuts and bruises to prove it. 

My favorite spot to tan.

We jumped, we played, we climbed, we drank.  Sunbathed in the water fall stream all day long.  We had an absolute blast even through the rain and hail, Hippie Hole was turning out to be a great hidden jewel.  

We made new found friends and talked about Lost for most of the day.  These new friends of ours helped to lead us back to our car.  With the rain and the many drinks, getting back to the car was a fiasco.  We all fell, rolled down hills/rock, bled, took long breaks, and said many prayers that we would find the trail.  With Tyler's phone nearing 10% battery life, we didn't take any no one was in the mood for a photo op.  

After what felt like two hours and 20 miles later, we finally discovered Tyler's truck! And then it dawns on me, "Where are his keys?"  Seriously.  Where are his keys?  Our friends get in their car and leave.  We struggle to stay calm.  After beginning to go back to the hole we decide we cannot trek back to look for the keys because a.)we almost didn't make it up the trail from physical exhaustion and slippery mud, b.)we would probably get lost and then really have to fear "the Others", and c.)we had no idea if we lost the keys on the way to the hole, in the water at the hole, or on the way back.  Our only option...begin walking.  

An hour and a half later, 3 miles down and only 10 more to go, we are rescued by some friends we made at the hole.  They pick us muddy stragglers up until...

Their car breaks down.  No keys.  No wallets.  No working phones.  No working cars. Really?  It became quite hysterical.  I at least was laughing on the inside. 
Funny, right?  Sam's wife saved us and let us hitch a ride with her back to town.  Tyler and I then came home, scrubbed all of the dried blood and mud off, and took my car to get his truck.  Again, Tyler and I did some much scarier off-road driving in my car.  I'll spare you the details, but know I prayed to God every inch of that drive and back.  I did stop and take one photo after we rescued Tyler's truck and made it through the worst part of the road. 

Overall, we had a wonderful day.  Hippie Hole didn't disappoint.  Come visit and we may take you there.  Just don't let us hold the keys!