Sunday, July 29, 2012

an awesome book  Visit ASAP.  He is incredible and has even posted his book in it's entirety for those who cannot afford it. I can't wait to read his stories to my elementary kiddos.

Dallas Clayton has become my new favorite author/illustrator.  He is incredibly creative, talented, and so much fun.  Thanks to Marci for showing me his book, An Awesome Book.  Here's a picture I love of Mr. Dallas Clayton's incredible work.  Hopefully I can get him to come and visit in Rapid!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

passport afb...part 2

#16: Work off those calories on base.  Started Zumba last week at Bellamy Fitness center.  I feel like a complete fool trying to salsa, pelvic thrust, and hop around.  However, it does seem to be a good cardio workout.  Not the most fun thing to accomplish on our list of 50 passport activities, but we all know Tyler lives at Bellamy. 

#26: Hippie Hole Adventures.  Check out our other blog post on the subject.  Here are some tips for trekking to Hippie Hole: 1.  Don't loose your keys, 2.  bring snacks in a some kind of book sack including lunch and drinks, 3.  have some good shoes you can get wet (this makes the climb up to and from easier plus it helps when trying to get back up the cliff after your jump), 4. sunscreen and bandaids help.

#35: Reading for free!  Getting a Holbrook library card and checking out books was one of the first things I did here.  Tyler even stopped in once.  Cute library with great librarians.  Perfect spot for kids and nerdy librarian teachers like me.

Stay tuned...Tyler's dad is coming in and we plan to accomplish even more activities on the list including Spearfish waterfalls!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

hippie hole

What an eventful day!  Discovering Hippie Hole in the Black Hills made for one fantastic day...up until we lost our keys...

 After driving to Rockerville in the Black Hills of SoDak, Tyler, Sam, and I did some serious off road driving.  Sam had mapped out Hippie Hole while flying over it one day, therefore, we used his GPS to lead us there.  So much fun driving Tyler's truck along these treacherous hills with only gravel (and large rocks) between the tires.  I was driving so I didn't get any pictures of the scenery on our way.  Sorry! 

We drive to the "parking lot," i.e. a clearing at the end of our path, and begin about a two mile hike to the infamous Hippie Hole.  This hike began with a trail for a little ways.  Then we had to do some serious hiking to find the creek which led to the coolest place ever.  If you look at the above picture, imagine climbing up and down the rocks to the left.  Once the trail ended, we had to do just that.  

Below is our first picture upon arriving.  Absolutely gorgeous, and as I always never do it justice.  We all jumped immediately.  Several war wounds and about an hour later, I made the climb back up the cliff.  Luckily we had some practice rock climbing a few weekends ago.  Tyler did have to jump back in and guide me up the cliff; however, I am still very proud to say I made it! 

One of our many battle scars.

After my jump and successful climb.

The scary rope that you had to pull yourself up on.  I failed many times and have cuts and bruises to prove it. 

My favorite spot to tan.

We jumped, we played, we climbed, we drank.  Sunbathed in the water fall stream all day long.  We had an absolute blast even through the rain and hail, Hippie Hole was turning out to be a great hidden jewel.  

We made new found friends and talked about Lost for most of the day.  These new friends of ours helped to lead us back to our car.  With the rain and the many drinks, getting back to the car was a fiasco.  We all fell, rolled down hills/rock, bled, took long breaks, and said many prayers that we would find the trail.  With Tyler's phone nearing 10% battery life, we didn't take any no one was in the mood for a photo op.  

After what felt like two hours and 20 miles later, we finally discovered Tyler's truck! And then it dawns on me, "Where are his keys?"  Seriously.  Where are his keys?  Our friends get in their car and leave.  We struggle to stay calm.  After beginning to go back to the hole we decide we cannot trek back to look for the keys because a.)we almost didn't make it up the trail from physical exhaustion and slippery mud, b.)we would probably get lost and then really have to fear "the Others", and c.)we had no idea if we lost the keys on the way to the hole, in the water at the hole, or on the way back.  Our only option...begin walking.  

An hour and a half later, 3 miles down and only 10 more to go, we are rescued by some friends we made at the hole.  They pick us muddy stragglers up until...

Their car breaks down.  No keys.  No wallets.  No working phones.  No working cars. Really?  It became quite hysterical.  I at least was laughing on the inside. 
Funny, right?  Sam's wife saved us and let us hitch a ride with her back to town.  Tyler and I then came home, scrubbed all of the dried blood and mud off, and took my car to get his truck.  Again, Tyler and I did some much scarier off-road driving in my car.  I'll spare you the details, but know I prayed to God every inch of that drive and back.  I did stop and take one photo after we rescued Tyler's truck and made it through the worst part of the road. 

Overall, we had a wonderful day.  Hippie Hole didn't disappoint.  Come visit and we may take you there.  Just don't let us hold the keys!

Friday, July 20, 2012

our little magnolia

Magnolia, our new and absolutely adorable puppy, loves to cuddle.  Nola, as we call her, not only cuddles but makes sure to find the most uncomfortable position possible...for me, not her.  See the below evidence...

We have also been seeking advice from the Dog Whisperer, James Free's Book Training your Retriever, and Stephen Baker's How to Live with a Neurotic Dog!"  Nola likes to potty inside alot.  Help please! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

southern belle in a northern world

Nola and I have discovered a few things for those southern belles to take note of when venturing to any Dakota.  

1.  Maxi dresses have become the attire of choice.  Battling differing temperatures with June having lows of 40 and highs of 100, you just never know how cold it'll be.  PLUS, the hurricane like winds can cause quite a show if you have on a shorter dress.  

2.  Use of a southern accent can go a long way.  Yes, when that police officer pulls you over, use your cute, southern drawl and you just may get out of a ticket.  In addition, people sometimes think you are being extra charming with your ma'ams and sirs.  I've been able to start a great many conversations just because I said Mr. or Mrs. or replied with a yes maam.  

3.  Watering the grass is a definite.  We still haven't figured this one out yet.  Louisiana humidity kept our green grass looking green.  Now our neighbors grass is definitely greener...they have a sprinkler system.  

4.  Hail.  Hail can be hell.  It was 50 degrees at the end of June and I was driving in a hail storm.  Tyler and I have seen so many cars in the Wal-Mart parking lot with battle scars from hail.  Luckily, I get the garage.  

5.  Speed limits in LA are much faster than those around Ellsworth AFB.  We drive 55 mph on highways in's 35mph here.  My southern charm didn't work out so well when I received my very first speeding ticket.  Watch out for those slow speed zones.  

6.  NO HUMIDITY!!!  My hair does look a tad better in this no humidity-styled climate; however, it does mean lotion becomes your best friend.  Put lotion in your car, by your front door, by your back door, and in your purse.  

7.  Get used to the mispronunciation of your last name.  Get used to mispronouncing others' names as well.  

8.  The scenery is to die for and driving up and down these mountains locals call The Black Hills can be exhilarating.  We still oooo and awwwww at the sites around us.  The beauty of these hills should make you want to come and come and visit!!!

9.  Enjoy the outdoors.  The weather has been beautiful and being outside is manageable compared to LA.  The winds make for a cool breeze.  Do something you wouldn't normally do in the south like watch bison from your car, play tennis in the middle of the day, or ride bikes on Mickelson Trail. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

passport while at ellsworth afb 101

Can you complete 45 out of 50 fun things to do around Ellsworth AFB?  We sure hope we can.  If so, our name gets put in a drawing for $1000 and we get our names on some kind of board. 

Stay tuned for what we do around Ellsworth that makes living here that much better.

#2: Chasing those buffalo in Custer---COMPLETE
Custer is such a cute little city and the buffalo/bison are so fun to watch.  These animals are huge!  See previous posts for their posed picture.  Didn't cost us anything to complete because we just drove through but there is a charge for being in the state park.  

#29: George, Tom, Teddy, and Abe Memorial---COMPLETE
Mount Rushmore is a must while you are in SoDak.  I mean, come on, it's really the only reason why most people travel to this part of the country. Parking fee was somewhere around $15 I think, but worth it.  

#37: Mickelson Trail bike riding (but luckily you don't have to do all 109 miles)---COMPLETE
Still have some battle scars from our trek.  It was really pretty and so much fun on the way down, but get ready for a workout if you bike uphill.  No costs except for the few gallons of Powerade.  We started in Custer and headed toward Hill City.  All uphill but then a breeze to get back home...what goes up, must come down!

#48: Lions and Tigers and Bears, O MY!  Well only the bears at Bear Country---COMPLETE
Check out the previous post.  Good time for kids, better time for me.  I loved those little cubs!  Driving fee was somewhere around $25.  Nice hour long drive through the park and then 30 minutes of watching the babies in the babyland area.

#49: Flags and Wheels---COMPLETE
The most fun I have had from adventures on the Passport list.  Drove fast go-karts that can go up to 40mph (I came in last), hit some balls around (I couldn't keep up with Tyler in the fast pitch cage), won a few tickets in the arcade (Delicious tootsie-rolls for only 3 tickets), and super fun lazer-tag (I came in 2nd...Tyler was last place).  Great place to go and all indoors so when it gets cold, you'll be seeing us hitting the track.  $27 for two with a military discount for racing, somewhere around $16 for 2 for lazer tag, and $.75 for 12 balls. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

guestbooks make me happy

Moving to South Dakota one month after our wedding got me thinking of the perfect wedding guestbook...

A birthday calendar of our guests so we can mail them b-day cards while remembering our wedding every time we look at the calendar.   

Here are just a few of my faves from the calendar.  Happy Early Birthday!

So simple and the best way to remember your best friends birthdays as well as your own wedding.  All we did was order a picture calendar from Shutterfly.  I chose really colorful background colors to make mine fun.  Then we borrowed a really cool polaroid camera (Instax Mini 7s in pink), posted instructions with some scrapbook tape dispensers and a masterpiece was born.  We also had some wonderful friends help make sure all was running smoothly throughout the night.  I love it!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

this one is for mk

It took a while for us to get this on camera.  Boston only did it every so often and the occasional 3am wake up never really gave me the opportunity to video him.  Luckily, Mary Kathryn was able to capture this.  So here is a tribute to all those firefighters out there and a little thank you to all those who have served or are still serving our country.

happy firework day!

Yay, America!  Tyler and I celebrated the 4th by eating real "American-like."  No fireworks for the town of Rapid due to the hazard of burning down the Black Hills; therefore, we celebrated by unpacking, cooking, swinging, stalking deer, and watching the next best thing to fireworks...THE HUNGER GAMES.

The Black Hills at sunset yesterday. 

Watching the hubby make breakfast.
Well worth the wait...poached eggs, steak, and capers.

Lunch/Dinner...I would still be eating PB&J if it weren't for the wonderful man I married.

Lucky for me, I know how to "make" dessert.  Pistachio Pistachio by the wonderful Mr. Ben &  Mr. Jerry.
Deer a few doors down from our home. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

military lingo

At 1700 bring your POV to the FSC with your DOD card.  As a DS you'll need to contact the FSC for any HHG you may need NLT a week prior to your AMN deployment.  

Seriously?  Seriously???  Can you figure this one out?  I'm stuck on 1700.  I cannot grasp military time and then they throw in acronyms to boot.  Yikes.  

Here's the message:
At 5:00pm bring your car (Privately Owned Vehicle) to the Family Support Center with your Department of Defense card (military ID).  As a Dependent Spouse, you'll need to contact the Family Support Center for any Household Goods you may need No Later Than a week prior to your Airman's deployment. 

Get any right?  I think it's so funny to call my car a POV.  Takes longer to say, don't you think?  

With the confusing lingo; however, does come very helpful airmen and women along with their spouses.  I went to a Heart Link Spouse orientation and was taught many good things about the Air Force as well as protocol.  I'll post some later.  Being a newcomer to the Air Force has taught me so much in such a short time.  For now I leave you with a two great websites to check out if you are moving to Ellsworth:

Airman and Family Readiness Center  

Rapid City Newspaper